Where To Buy

AnneMaxx Enhance (MA2) is a unique 4-4-4 product with amino acids, bioactive peptides, complexed phosphorous and potash that is bio available. Soil superfood focused on balanced nutrient efficiency.

Available in
1000L TOTE |
20L PAIL |

Features & Benefits

  • It contains 4% humic acid and two different types of seawood extracts which provide cytokinins (plant growth hormone).
  • Compatible with any biologically-active product.
  • Increases the microbial population in a target.
  • Excellent food source for beneficial bacteria and fungi.

Application Guidelines

  • Apply at early season in-furrow or in-crop foliar application timing.
  • This product best suited for forages, turf grasses, hay and pasture land.
  • Enhance is a registered product with CFIA and approved for use in broadacre and other crops.
  • Compatible with most products for foliar applications. Mixing procedure in any order. A jar test is recommended prior to application.
  • For best results, this product is designed to be mixed with Advantage at the time of application or at most 48 hours prior.
  • Always recommended to pre-condition your water for pH and hardness. Optimize Plus or Micro are an excellent tool for this.


  • Mix Advantage (MA1) with Enhance (MA2) to a 3:1 ratio. Dilute a rate of 2-3L of combined products to 40-60 L/acre.

Foliar application

  • Mix Advantage (MA1) with Enhance (MA2) to a 3:1 ratio. Dilute a rate of 2-3L of combined products to 40-60 L/acre.

Active Ingredients

Total Nitrogen (N)
Phosphoric Acid (P₂O₅)
Soluble Potash (K₂O)

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