Liquid H – LIQUIFIED CARBON is a liquid product derived from natural material rich in soil organic matters and humic substances. This product can be applied to soil or plants. Soil organic matters and humic substances have been proven to improve the quality of soil, growth of soil organisms, and uptakes of nutrients by plants.
Application Guidelines
- Seed Treatment Sprays or Drips:
3% by volume of solution (water and/or nutrients). - Transplant Water:
1% by volume of solution (water and/or nutrients). - In Furrow, Side Band, or Foliar:
1 – 2.5 USG/acre (10 – 25 L/Ha) mixed with (water and/or nutrients) applied to soil during seeding or applied to seedlings. - Foliar:
3% by volume of solution (water and/or nutrients) foliar applied to plants up to 15% during flowering.
- Trees, Shrubs, Bedding Plants, or Established Ornamentals
1% by volume of solution (water and/or nutrients) or 3 tablespoon /USG (¾ tablespoon /L) applied when watering.
- Foliar:
1 – 2.5 USG/acre (10 – 25 L/ha) mixed with water and/or nutrients, applied to soil during seeding or applied to seedlings.
3% by volume of solution (water and/or nutrients) foliar applied throughout growing season.
Guaranteed Analysis Active Ingredients
Global Humic Products Ltd. warrants that this product meets all chemical descriptions on the label. When used according to the directions under normal conditions the product is reasonably fit for the purpose stated on this label. However, Global Humic Products Ltd. will not be liable for indirect damages resulting from the use or handling of this product. Ineffectiveness, crop injury, and other unintended consequences may result from the presence of other substances, weather conditions, and the way the product being applied, which are beyond the control of Global Humic Products Ltd. Buyer shall assume all such risks when using the product.
Not all products are available for purchase or authorized for use in every location. Some cities, states, and countries may require specific licensing and training to market, purchase, and apply some of the products. It is the responsibility of the distributor, retailer, and user to verify, before product sale and purchase, that the product is approved for the use in their city, state, and country.
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