Our Process
Over 90,000 sq ft state-of-the art indoor soil blending facility. 20+ all-natural specialty growing amendments.

How, and Why,
We Use Worm Castings
We’ve developed a commercial-scale worm farm to address the challenge of our depleting soils utilizing castings (vermicast/worm excrement).
Our premier composting facility hosts 17 million red wiggler worms. These worms eat organic materials and produce 100% natural and diverse castings with the highest capabilities. Whether you’re farming or gardening at home, our premium products improve plant growth and flavour profiles.

Annelida Soil Solutions has an exclusive patented, automated technology and smart system.
OMRI Listed and Third-Party Tested to Ensure Consistency and Quality
Whether you are farming, growing in a greenhouse, or gardening at home, our Premium Casting products will help you optimize soil conditions for ideal plant growth, increased yields, and improved flavour profiles without compromising the environment.
- Producers
- Market Gardens And Greenhouses
- Agricultural Producers
- Specialty Crops such as Orchards, Vineyards & Cannabis
- Turf & Sports Field Management