Annelida Soil Solutions leads in creating and distributing diverse, sustainable agricultural solutions for soil health through vermicastings.

Benefits of AnneMaxx AG

Proven performance across different growing conditions

Differentiation in the market – rich nutritional status and significant biodiversity in our premium products

Protects grower’s investment – maximizes synthetic
fertilizer efficiency
fertilizer efficiency
Regenerative Agriculture-Focused. No Risk of Plant Toxicity
Increase soil organic matter and carbon content in the soil
Improve soil structure and water holding capacity
Help neutralize acidic and alkaline soils
Boost root growth, plant vigorous and tillering
Optimize nutrient density and improves nutrient uptake
Serve as a catalyst in the stubble breakdown process
Promote better grain quality (Bushel weight, protein, density, colour).
Input Financing
FCC Input Financing is the simple and flexible way to free up your cash flow. You have 12 months to purchase fuel, fertilizer and crop protection, and up to 18 months to pay. Input financing is offered through local retailers allowing you to purchase and finance your inputs at the same time.
Are you already a customer of FCC?
AnneMaxx Products